I'm Esme and I started theclothesswap as a way to satisfy my love for secondhand shopping! I actually ran my first clothes swap as a charity event and it went so well I knew I wanted to do more!

I have always shopped secondhand and not just for clothes! Some of my favourite household items are from car boot sales, Facebook marketplace, eBay, garage sales, gumtree, charity shops and skips (with owners permission)! The children's Christmas and birthday gifts were mostly from similar places. It started off being about the money. We were a young family and my husband was studying so we saved where we could. But then it became about the joy of giving something a new chance. Whether it was a piece of furniture that I painted and added new handles, or a coat that became a favourite in my wardrobe, I was getting a kick from giving things new life!
My absolute favourite thing at the swaps is watching people try something on saying "Yeah ... I think I'll try that!" It gives me butterflies that I played a part in someone else finding joy in secondhand shopping!
This doesn't mean I don't shop new! I often do, but secondhand will always be my first choice. Also, I don't judge anyone who shops new. I am a firm believer in each to their own!
Was a lovely swap! Was my first experience and was really nice. Got some good items and met some lovely people too. Such a good idea! Will be back again.
I have been wearing lots of my items from the Chalkwell swap a few week's back.